Building Embedded Debian for the DE10 Nano (2025)
Updated instructions for building an a Debian Linux based operating system for the Intel DE10 nano FPGA SoC development board in 2025. A mainline version of both u-boot and the Linux kernel are used.
LD06 LIDAR Module
Extracting position data from a low cost LD06 LIDAR module.
LaserCat 9000
Want to play with your cat while at work? Well the LaserCat 9000 is for you! Well... probably not, but think of all the other uses around the house for a remote controlled laser!
Generating C++ code coverage metrics using GoogleTest and LCOV
Understanding the code coverage of unit tests can be a useful metric in the software development process. This article contains a basic setup for outputting code coverage reports for GoogleTest unit tests.
Using OpenStreetMap Offline
Setting up OpenStreetMap for use as part of an offline application can be a bit confusing. This article covers the full process.
Tcl Script Cheatsheet
Tcl (Tool command language) is a high level interpreted language that is commonly used by FPGA development tools. This article covers the basics of using Tcl.
Cisco IOS Cheatsheet
Cheatsheet for configuring Cisco routers and switches.
Controlling I2C Devices from U-Boot
The I2C command in U-Boot allows reading and writing to I2C devices connected to an embedded system. This can be very useful for testing devices or quickly reading/writing values stored in I2C EEPROMs.
Using the Raspberry Pi Pico on Ubuntu
Instructions for programming the Raspberry Pi Pico in C/C++ using a Ubuntu development machine.
Making Wireshark Link Layer Dissectors
Wireshark is a powerful tool for analysing communications data. While it is typically used for ethernet traffic, Wireshark can be used to decode any arbitrary protocol. This article covers how to make custom link layer dissectors using the Lua scripting language.